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Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira is a National Public University founded in 1958 accredited by the National Ministry of Education as a high-quality institution. It is part of the directory of accredited universities that created the network Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge (CCYK). Located in Pereira capital of Risaralda Department which is part of Colombia’s Coffee Cultural Landscape proclaimed World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
UTP has 16,345 students in undergraduate programs and 1,572 in postgraduate programs, 1,365 faculty members, and 393 staff members.
It offers 36 bachelor programs in engineering, health sciences, environmental sciences, education sciences, fine arts and humanities, basic sciences, technologies, business sciences and agricultural sciences and agribusiness. UTP holds 43 master's degrees and 8 PhD programs supported on the research groups.
The university has 130 agreements with institutions in 28 countries and promotes the learning of a second and third language most importantly English.