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Cooperación Educativa
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The Superior Agricultural Polytechnic School of Manabí “Manuel Félix López”, ESPAM MFL, is an Ecuadorian public university located in the city of Calceta, Canton Bolívar, is the main university in the northern zone of the province of Manabí.The Superior Agricultural Polytechnic School of Manabí emerged as a response to the needs of the agricultural sector, for which it began its work with four courses of study: Agribusiness, Environment, Agriculture and Livestock; through a market study, it was determined the need to create the career of Computer Science. To meet the demand of the business sector, two programs were created: Public Administration and Business Administration. To this end,a rigorous academic strengthening program was undertaken to train highly qualified professionals to execute sustainable projects and generate jobs.
With years of experience in academic development, we saw the need to have a dynamic educational model, comprehensive in all its components, sequential and coherent in the parts that make it up,taking as a reference the curriculum, programs, teachers, students, the social, productive and pedagogical practice itself, to carry out the process of comprehensive and harmonious training of the professional.