SCAU Delegation Visited Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina strengthening the Cooperation with South America

In order to promote the development of China-Latin America Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance(CLAERIA), which was established in 2020 by SCAU, Prof. Qiu RongliangVice President of SCAU, led a delegation to 7 counterparts in Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina from June 20 to July 1, 2023. They conducted field investigations, held a series of conversations with the partners and academic seminars, signed 3 cooperation agreements, and participated in the unveiling ceremony of the Chinese Language and Agricultural Science and Technology Development Center as well as the China-Latin America Institute of Biological Control” in Brazil.

The delegation first visited Suzano S.A company located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Fernando Bertolucci, Director of technology innovation of the company, warmly received the delegation. He said that Suzanoas the largest pulp company in the world, its largest market is in China and its Asian center in Shanghai plays an important role. The company attaches great importance to cooperating with China, looks forward to in-depth and substantive cooperation with SCAUProf. Qiu reviewed the establishment of China-Brazil Agriculture and Forestry Education Technology Innovation Alliance in Shanghai during Brazilian President Lula's visit to China in this April  and the strategic cooperation agreement signed by SCAU and SuzanoHe pointed out that with strong research team SCAU can carry out all-round scientific cooperation with Suzano, especially in the fields of tree breeding and biotechnology, new materials and new energy, and sustainable forest management, in personnel training, scientific research. The delegation also visited the company's product exhibition hall.


Vice-President Qiu Rongliang and Fernando Bertolucci exchanged souvenirs


The two sides had a lively conversation and discussed potential cooperation

The second stop was the government of Mato Grosso state, Brazil. They held discussions with experts, leaders from the State Agricultural Technology Center of Mato Grosso (FAMATO), Science and Technology Innovation Institute (SECITECI), Technology Innovation Office (EIT) of Federal University of Mato Grosso State, Federal Institute of Mato Grosso (IFMT), and Center of International Exchange of the state(NURIMAT). The guests introduced their development profilesdirections, and the future cooperation around the building of the China-Latin America Sustainable Agriculture Research Center. Prof. Qiu introduced SCAU and its cooperation with the State of Mato Grosso, and much appreciated the achievemente the State has realized in the field of agriculture. In his view, based on the rich agricultural resources and a solid agricultural foundation, the State and SCAU will have much space for future cooperation especially in rice, soybeans and other areasSCAU has been preparing for the China-Latin America Soybean Technology Industry Innovation Alliance, and welcomes the state government, universities, research institutions, soybean cooperatives and enterprises carrying out in-depth cooperation between China and Brazil in soybean educationresearch and agribusiness.

According to reports, the agricultural GDP of Mato Grosso accounts for 56.2% of Brazil's total. It is rich in rice, soybeans, corn, cotton, sugar cane and other crops and the beef production ranks first in Brazil with developed industralization of animals.


 Prof. Qiu delivered a speech on behalf of the delegation


Seminar at Agrihub and Technology Innovation Park

 Group photo of all participants at the Agricultural Center

On the evening of June 23a grand unveiling ceremony of the Chinese Language and Agricultural Science and Technology Development Center was held in UFMT. Mr. Zhu Qingqiao, Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Brazil, Dr. Ma Jianfei, Director-General of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education of ChinaDr. Evandro Daher, Rector of UFMTDr. Qiu Rongliang, Vice-President of SCAU congratulated the establishment of the center through online/offline speeches. And representatives from the State, the China-Brazil Culture Center, Chinese companies representatives, staff and students from UFMT etc.  participated in the ceremony. The guests respectively expressed the importance of carrying out language teaching, cultural communication and cooperation of agricultural science and education. The ceremony  attracted more than 200 people to present at the theater. The local medias such as G1 and the Chinese one People’s Daily in Brazil have reported about this event.


 Prof. Qiu delivered a speech at the unveiling ceremony of the center


The delegation took a group photo with the plaque in the center


Prof. Qiu was interviewed by the local media after the Ceremony

The delegation also visited the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) in Brazil. Dr. Martha Adaime, Vice Rector of UFSM, spoke highly of the cooperation in agricultural science and education between the two universities, and introduced the general information of UFSMProf. Qiu appreciated the warm reception of the delegation and pointed out that UFSM and SCAU both are traditional agricultural universitiesand there are so many common fields of interest for cooperation. The third cooperation agreement was signed during the visit, and  the China-Latin America Joint Laboratory for Biological Prevention and Control was unveiled with the witness of the represantives of both universities. The Lab will become an important platform for joint training of graduate students, scientific research, technical training and industrial promotion.


Prof. Qiu and Prof. Martha Adaime signed a cooperation agreement 


On-the-spot visit to the lab of UFSM


On-the-spot visit to the cooperative enterprises of UFSM

UFSM, one of the most important agricultural universities in Brazil, ranks highly in academics, scientific research, and promotion and application among its counterparts in Latin America. The state of Rio Grande do Sul, as a soybean-producerhas a large number of soybean enterprises. During the visit, the delegation conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges with soybean experts from the university and local soybean entrepreneurs on soybean scientific research and industrial cooperation, and one consensus has been reached to actively promote the preparation of the China-Latin America Soybean Technology Industry Innovation Alliancewith the aim to further strengthening the in-depth cooperation between universityresearch institutes and agribusiness in soybean.


Group photo of all participants in the soybean industry cooperation seminar


After the visit to Brazil, the delegation visited the University of the Republic of Uruguay (Udelar), during which they signed a framework agreement between the two universities. Rector Rodrigo Arim Ihlenfeld warmly welcomed the delegation and he emphasized at the speech the importance of cooperation with China, especially with SCAU, and it is expect that two universities will makgreater contributions to the agricultural science and education of both countriesVice-President Qiu Rongliang expressed his appreciation to the warm receptionpointed out that SCAU has been attaching great importance to the cooperation in agricultural science and education with Latin American countries. Hsaid that that two universities have successfully applied for ANSO program and look forward to more practical projects of mutual interest. At the meeting, experts of both sides exchanged views on their respective professional research.

University of the Republic of Uruguay, which is the largest and most important public universitywas established in 1849. More than 30,000 undergraduates and 6,000 postgraduates are recruited annually .


                      Prof. Qiu Rongliagn and Prof. Rodrigo Arim Ihlenfeld signed an MOU on behalf of the universities



The two sides conducted discussions on cooperation of mutual interest

During the visit to Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria(INIA), the delegation received a warm welcome. Dr. José Bonica, President of the Institute, introduced the general situation and their scientific research cooperation with China, and especially looked forward to the cooperation with SCAU in areas of common interest. Prof. Qiu introduced SCAU and CLAERIA, and pointed out the significance of mutual cooperation in soybean breeding technology, research work and industrial promotion, crop rotation system and biodiversity protection etc. He extended the welcoming of the membership of INIA to the undergoing Soybean Technology Industry Innovation Alliance. The two sides signed a framework cooperation agreement after the speechesINIA is the most important agricultural research and extension institution in Uruguay. It has 5 research centers with an area of 550 hectares and more than 700 employees, including more than 150 full-time researchers all with PhD degrees.


Qiu signed an agreement with Dean José Bonica


The last stop of the delegation's visit was Argentina. Thevisited Instituto Nacional Tecnología Agropecuaria, (INTA). President Mariano Osmendia, warmly received the guests. He pointed out that INTA has 19 national-level projects and more than 7,000 employees, focusing on agricultural development and technology promotion. It has cooperated with 66 countries and looked forward to cooperating with SCAUVice-President Qiu Rongliang stressed the purpose of this trip was to further strengthen mutual understanding and promote substantive cooperation in areas of common interest since the bilateral agreement being signed in 2021Both sides also discussed the specific cooperation and the implementation of relevant projects at the meeting.


Discussion in the conference room of INTA


The delegation visited the Argentine National Agricultural Technology Center and the Fruit and Vegetable Experimental Center of the Provincial Department of Agricultural Development (MDA) in Buenos Aires Province, and had an in-depth discussion on potential cooperation. This Center provides important basic technical support for the supply of fruits and vegetables in the capital. The representatives of the Center  expressed his strong interest in cooperating with SCAU in fields related to fruit and vegetable cultivation technology, pest control and agroecology etc.

Finally the delegation visited Universidad Nacional de Alturo Jaureche (UNAJ) in Argentina and had a meeting with the Rector Amaldo Medina and visited the campus. Therespectively introduced the general information of its university and conducted in-depth exchanges. It’s hoped that under the framework of CLAERIA and MOU of two universities, more cooperation in talent training and scientific research will be realized.


On-the-spot investigation of MDA fruit and vegetable experimental center


Group photo of all participantes at the meeting

The successful visit of the delegation will surely promote the comprehensive cooperation between SCAU and the 7 counterparts in the above-mentioned countries in personnel training, scientific and technological cooperation and industrial promotion with more CLAERIA members involved in the process and will lay a good foundation for more fruitful cooperation. Heads of Scientific Research and Development, Office of Development and PlanningOffice of International Relations,College of Agriculture, College of Food Science of SCAU joined the visit.