The 2022 GIS Software Technology Conference held by CLAERIA members

On July 8, Beijing time, the 2022 GIS Software Technology Conference, which was co-organized by the China-Latin America Agricultural Education and Research Innovation Alliance(CLAERIA) and its member unit SuperMap, came to a successful conclusion. This conference, including 6 overseas offline sub-venues (Botswana, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Senegal, Peru) and overseas online forums in 4 languages (English, French, Spanish, Japanese), lasted for 2 days and attracted audiences from 126 countries and regions. The guests shared the cutting-edge technology of GIS software and its innovative application in many regions around the world to explore the development trends of the GIS industry. Experts from SCAU attended the conference and made themed reports.

At the afternoon of July 6, Beijing time, domestic and foreign units such as the International Federation of Surveyors, the China Society of Surveying and Mapping and the China Academy of Surveying and Mapping attended the online forum in English. Associate-Professor Gao Wei from SCAU made a themed report on smart gardens by introducing the concept of smart gardens into the GIS, which was well received by Chinese and foreign participants.

Associate-Professor Gao Wei made a themed report on the Spanish online forum

The Peruvian branch witnessed the speeches by members of the Peruvian Congress and the director of the Ministry of National Defense and the attendance of National University of San Marcos of Peru, the National Agricultural University of Peru and other important local academic units. Professor Wang Chuntao from SCAU gave a smart-agriculture themed report which led to hot discussion. Experts on the spot discussed the application of GIS in agriculture, cadastre, smart agriculture, smart architecture and other fields.