Since 2017, participating in diverse projects on farming families,National University Arturo Jauretche.
Peri-urban Studies Group supervised by Tito, G. and Nugent, P. Mujeres Periurbanas en el Proceso de Transición Agroecológica (Peri-urban Women in the Process of Agroecological Transition) thesis on the transformation of the local agroalimentary system taking into account female leaders of farming families’ empowerment and management in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, whose analytical approach was multilevel and based on the principles proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). (HLPE Report, 2019). Several publications on diverse science and technical events about agroecology, farming families, and gender issues:
12th Argentine Congress of Social Anthropology, 2021.1st Youth Conference for the University Network for the Care of theCommon Home (RUC),The Catholic University of Tarija, Bolivia, September 2020.
First prize winner of Science Popularization Award, InteruniversityNetwork for the Popularization of Science, 2020.
Lines of argument based on sustainable agricultural development,agroecology, food sovereignty, and gender issues.