Aijun Liu
PhD, Associate professor
Research Center of American studies
Nanjing Agricultural University
1 Weigang, Xuanwu,
Nanjing, 210095
Phone: 13915990826
Fax number: 0086-25-84395649
Brief description of Aijun’s profile
Aijun is an associate professor in College of Economics and Management (CEM). His areas of expertise are agribusiness,rural development & resource management. He was in USA, Australia and Netherlands for one-year study program and also visited Finland, India and Africa countries . He is a master supervisor for Agricultural Economics & Management(AEM), Internalization Business(IB) and MBA for over 10 years and trained over 60 students(include 8 international master students in AEM). In 2014, he was nominated as Young Academic Leaders of Qinlang project for high education by Department of Education in Jiangsu province,China. From 2016, he become Executive member of China Society of Foreign Agricultural Economy (CSFAE). He is a member of Agricultural Brands and Market Development in Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in Jiangsu, China. He published a book as first author, more than 100 papers (16 papers in English and one book chapter in English).He chaired more than 10 projects.
List of academic and non-academic degrees and year awarded
PhD of Management,AEM,Nanjing Agricultural University(NAU),China,2007; M.Sc in Management,AEM , NAU,China,2002 ; B. Sc. in Science,Agricultural Extension and Education, Lareinstein University of Professional Education, Netherlands, 2002 ; B.Sc. in Economics, Finance,NAU,China,1996 .
List of current and past positions
2010-Present Associate Professor,CEM, NAU (2017-2018 visiting scholar in food supply chain management, Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management, Cornell University); 2001-2009 lecturer, Department of Management, CEM, NAU(2003-2004 project manager in Department of agriculture of Chinese Rural Technology Development Center (2009 -2010 visiting scholar in food marketing in Curtin University, Australia);1996-2000 Assistant lecturer in student affairs office,CEM,NAU.
Project management, international collaboration
Selected projects
1.Jiangsu Social Science Association Project.“Policy support for Jiangsu overseas agricultural investment.”, 20SCB-05, 06/2020-06/2021(CNY 20,000), Principal Investigator
2.Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Jiangsu province, Research on cooperative development in Jiangsu,11/2020-12/2020(CNY 50,000), Principal Investigator
3.International Cooperation Project of Nanjing Agricultural University, “Product certification, consumer behavior and food safety governance”, 2018-EU-18, 06/2018-06/2019(CNY 100,000), Principal Investigator
4.Social Science Foundation for Universities in Jiangsu, China.“Rural household waste clarification and utilization policy”, 2017ZDIXM096,06/2017-12/2020(CNY 80,000), Principal Investigator
5.National Social Science Foundation, China.“Fresh Produce Consumer confidence on food safety”,71273137,01/2013- 12/2016(CNY 540,000), Principal Investigator
6.Cyrus Tang Foundation,“policy analysis on urban waste classification and recycling in Nanjing, China”,05/2016-12/2020(CNY 200,000), Principal Investigator
7.National Social Science Foundation,“Food safety, climate change and Structural Adjustment of Agricultural Production” China, 13&zd160,11/2013-11/2017(CNY 800,000), participatory Investigator
8.Ministry of Agriculture, China, Development of agricultural technology and extension in eastern Africa, 2015-C5, 01/2015-12/2016(CNY 500,000).
Selected International Publications
1.Ilija Djekic, Aleksandra Nikolić, Mirza Uzunović, Aluwé Marijke, Aijun Liu, etc,2021,Covid-19 pandemic effects on food safety - Multi-country survey study,Food Control, 122,107800.(SCI)
2.Pello, K.; Okinda, C.; Liu,A*.; Njagi, T. Factors Affecting Adaptation to Climate Change through Agroforestry in Kenya. Land 2021, 10, 371.(SSCI)
3.Osewe M, Miyinzi Mwungu C, Liu A*. Does Minimum Tillage Improve Smallholder Farmers’ Welfare? Evidence from Southern Tanzania. Land. 2020; 9(12):513.(SSCI)
4.Zhang J, Zhai L, Osewe M, Liu A*. Analysis of Factors Influencing Food Nutritional Labels Use in Nanjing, China. Foods. 2020; 9(12):1796.(SCI)
5.Osewe M, Liu A, Njagi T. Farmer-Led Irrigation and Its Impacts on Smallholder Farmers’ Crop Income: Evidence from Southern Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020; 17(5):1512. (SCI& SSCI)
6.Liu, A*.; Osewe, M.; Wang, H.; Xiong, H. Rural Residents’ Awareness of Environmental Protection and Waste Classification Behavior in Jiangsu, China: An Empirical Analysis.Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,2020,17, 8928.(SCI& SSCI)
7.Liu A-J, Li J, Gómez MI. Factors Influencing Consumption of Edible Insects for Chinese Consumers. Insects. 2020; 11(1):10.(SCI)
8.Guliyev O, Liu A*, Endelani Mwalupaso G, Niemi J. The Determinants of Technical Efficiency of Hazelnut Production in Azerbaijan: An Analysis of the Role of NGOs. Sustainability. 2019; 11(16):4332.(SSCI)
9.Eshetie, A.M. Liu, A. *, Mwalupaso, G.E. Adoption of A Sustainable Intensification Practice and its Effect on Smallholders' Food Security in Ethiopia, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research,2019,17(3): 6681-6700 .(SCI)
10.A. Liu*, R. Niyongira. Chinese consumers’ food purchasing behaviors and awareness of food Safety. Food Control. 79,2017,9:185-191(SCI)
11.A Liu,PJ Batt. Barriers and benefits of on-farm quality assurance systems in Western Australia. ACTA Horticulture 895, 2011:159-166
12.P.J Batt,A Liu. Consumer Behavior towards Honey Products in Western Australia, British Food Journal, 2012,114:285-297(SCI)