The Universidad Surcolombiana USCO is a national public university financed mainly by the Colombian State, subject to inspection and surveillance through Law 1740 of 2014 and Law 30 of 1992 of the Ministry of Education of Colombia. Its mission is to produce, adapt and disseminate scientific, humanistic and technical knowledge that effectively serves the understanding and solution of the relevant problems of integral, equitable and sustainable development. It has High Quality Accreditation, by the Ministry of National Education, through Resolution 11233 of 2018.
It has 4 branches distributed in the department of Huila with the main headquarters in the city of Neiva and Pitalito, Garzón and La Plata branches; offering its technological or professional undergraduate programs and postgraduate programs in face-to-face, blended and distance modalities. It is recognized as one of the most important in southern Colombia.