The University of Caldas is a public university located in the coffee region in a city called Manizales with a population of approximately 400,000 Inhabitants. It is a high quality university which was accredited by the Ministry of Education. The University has eight campuses around the city, and there are six faculties per area of knowledge which are: Arts and Humanities, Agricultural Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering.
The University of Caldas is one of the most recognized universities in the region. There are about 15,000 students in the graduate and undergraduate programs and approximately around1,000 professors. Our students come from different parts of the country, and most of the come from low-income families. We are proud to say that our university has a great variety of multiculturalism.
The University has international relations with approximately 26 countries, and it has signed more than 100 agreements with different universities around the world which include activities such as: students and professors’ mobility, research projects, academic issues and events among others. It also offers some programs with double degree.