Our University is the country's most representative public institution of higher education. We have nine campuses: four in the Andean Region (located in the cities of Bogotá, Manizales, Medellín, and Palmira), and five in the border zones of Colombia, located in the regions of Amazonia (Department of Amazonas), the Caribbean (Department of San Andrés), Orinoquia (Department of Arauca), Tumaco (Department of Nariño), and the newest, La Paz (Department of Cesar). This allows our university to work as a multi-campus system that represents the regional, social, and cultural complexity of our country. Moreover, our institution covers most of the knowledge areas and has 21 Colleges, 73 Departments, 29 Schools, 62 Research Centers and Institutes, 13 Museums, three Astronomical Observatories and a Music Conservatory.
According to the QS World University Rankings, our University is number 259 in the world and number 10 in Latin America. We have education agreements with more than 70 % of the countries around the world.
The Agricultural Sciences Faculty of Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá Campus) is a lead body in the country in the subjects of agriculture, rural development, food security and agroecology; carrying out research and extension projects both nationally and internationally with different actors in the field such as other education institutions, public institutions, farmers, etc.
The Agricultural Sciences Faculty (Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias) located at Palmira Campus is the second oldest agriculture Faculty in the country. The Faculty has both undergraduate and graduated agricultural academic programs. In addition, it has 17 research groups working in topics as plant breeding, plant pathology, management of horticulture crops, animal science, etc. The Faculty is neighbor of the a national agricultural research institute (Agrosavia) and it of an international agricultural center (CIAT- Center International of Agriculture Tropical) and near of the main sugar cane research center (Cenicaña) the main crop in the Valley of Cauca where is located Palmira Campus. The Faculty has academic and research cooperation with these three agricultural institutions.